Thursday, March 1, 2007


With all of the books we read, the movies we see, the songs we hear.. what do we do with all of this information? All of these stories? Do we leave the theater and the movie, leaving it to exist in those two hours alone? Obviously some things affect us more deeply than others. Some things will linger with us, resonating longer, for personal reasons.

Do we spend days reading a book, only to finish it and never think of it again? I suppose this brings up the difference between art and entertainment. Is the point of reading that book to be distracted for days? Or is there a belief that there is something in that book.. something you might want to hold onto..

We take in so much everyday. Great things can be inspired and created from these things if we are open to thinking about them. If not, aren't they wasted?

It is hard to believe, with film, that millions of dollars are spent to entertain us for two hours. It is hard to believe that Hermann Hesse spent 10 years writing The Glass Bead Game so people would flip through it for awhile. It is very interesting to think about what is fueling these creations.. something within that wants to get out - something more important than millions of dollars and 10 years.

I like the idea of passing on information, having a great world-wide conversation, through music, film, dancing, art, science, love. Not only to create things, but to be speaking to each other in everything we do. With all the time and money put into creations, it makes things a lot more interesting if we respond to these efforts, rather than pass through them. Consider them. Maybe write a letter to a friend.

In other news, I finished Gene Wilder's book today. In the last chapters of the book, he talks about how he paints watercolors. I googled to see if I could find one.

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